Students will complete the following phases:

Phase 1) Application, Resume, Cover Letter | Due by 5pm, Friday, October 4th
Phase 2) Elevator Pitch | Due by 5:00pm, Friday, October 11th
  • Your elevator pitch will be a 60-90 second, in-person, pitch addressing one of the following from the application prompt:
    • Tell me about yourself.
    • Why did you apply for this position?
    • What is your long-term career goal?
  • Meet with your mentor to prepare for your elevator pitch.
  • Please note you must meet with your assigned mentor prior to your elevator pitch.Together with your mentor, review the job description you selected, as well as each of your responses to the application prompt from Phase 1. Listen carefully and take notes on the feedback you receive to strengthen your responses to the prompt.
  • Choose the question you will answer.
  • Schedule a 15-minute meeting with Career Services to complete your elevator pitch.
  • You may complete your elevator pitch at any time prior to the due date.
Phase 3) Mock Interview | Due by 5:00pm, Friday, October 18th
  • The company was impressed by your application, resume, cover letter, and elevator pitch, and has decided to bring you back for the second round of in-person interviews to determine if you are the candidate they want to hire.
  • Your mock interview will be conducted as a 20-25 minute follow up interview to your elevator pitch.
  • Meet with your mentor to prepare for your mock interview.
  • Unlike your elevator pitch, you will not know the questions the interviewer(s) will ask for your mock interview. Prepare for this interview with your mentor as you would for any professional job interview. Be prepared to answer questions about your skills and background, the job, and the company.
  • Please note you must meet with your assigned mentor prior to your mock interview.
  • Schedule a 30-minute meeting with Career Services to complete your mock interview.
  • You may complete your mock interview at any time prior to the due date.
  • See rubric below for details about how your mock interview will be evaluated.
Phase 4) The Master Interview Competition Finale | Wednesday, October 30th from 6-9pm
  • Congratulations on making it to the final round! The pressure is on. You have approximately one week to prepare for The Master Interview – the final live interview before a panel of judges and an audience of peers.
  • The Master Interview will be conducted as a 20-25 minute final interview.
  • Meet with your mentor to prepare for The Master Interview.
  • Just like your mock interview, you will not know the questions the panel will ask. Prepare with your coach as you would any final interview. All questions are on the table.
  • Please note you must meet with your assigned mentor prior to The Master’s Interview.
  • The winner of The Master Interview will be decided by the interview panel:
    • 1st place – $5,000 scholarship
    • 2nd place – $2,500
    • 3rd place – $1,000
    • 4th place – $500 gift card
    • 5th place – $250 gift card

*For seniors in their final semester, graduating this fall, an alternative prize may be necessary.